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Chacta Inc. is a full service bookkeeping company servicing small to medium sized businesses in diverse industries. We possess a diverse range of experience in bookkeeping and accounting. We can provide your business with a complete accounting solution to enhance the success of your business.

Usually small businesses cannot afford to hire a qualified accountant to handle their books on a full time basis, so Chacta Inc. would be your solution. Chacta Inc. operates as an independent contractor providing accounting services that you needed for your business yet you need not pay benefits or withhold taxes as you would need for a staff. We provide professional, affordable, timely bookkeeping and accounting services to our customers with adherence to highest quality and integrity. We will help you streamline your business operations, take care of your bookkeeping and compliance needs for your business. You just concentrate on running your business and increasing profits.

Meeting Customer Needs
Chacta Inc. is dedicated to assist entrepreneurs in starting of new businesses or uphold their accounting functions in this lucrative and competitive business world. We will go on-site at your place of business to review your accounting system, provide advice that best suit your business. We utilize the latest technology to conduct everything online in order to bring you the highest efficiency and convenience. Our services are flexible and can be tailored to meet your specific needs and budget. We provide free pick-up or delivery of accounting records and related documents. Works will be completed in our office or yours depending on your preference.


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